GroundUp Brownie Baking Challenge! 3 Delicious Points of View

GroundUp Brownie Baking Challenge! 3 Delicious Points of View

In collaboration with the team at GroundUp EcoVentures, three Vancouver-based lifestyle influencers participated in and fully completed the first GroundUp’s Brownie Baking Challenge!

louis li, jorge ramos, karisma collins, giovanna lazzarini, groundup brownie baking challenge, groundup ecoventures, vancouver, bc, vancity, yvr, lifestyle, baking

Karisma Collins, Jorge Ramos, and Louis Li took to the kitchen, opened a bag of Born Again Protein Brownie Mix, and baked up their version of the chocolatey dessert staple. Then, with just 30-minutes from beginning to end, these three had a lot of fun and enjoyed the results immensely.

Karisma Collins / @karismacollins

karisma collins, giovanna lazzarini, groundup brownie baking challenge, groundup ecoventures, vancouver, bc, vancity, yvr, lifestyle, baking

Karisma made two brownie variations using pecans and walnuts to add texture and garnished them with her favourite fruit, strawberries. “I used half of my batter in a traditional brownie pan and the other half to make brownie’ muffins’. It only took me less than an hour for the whole process, and now I have sweet treats to satisfy my cravings during the week and see me through my meetings!” These baked goods are not just delicious but nutritious and ideal for those wanting an easy healthy treat on the go.

Jorge Ramos / @iamjorgeramos

jorge ramos, giovanna lazzarini, groundup brownie baking challenge, groundup ecoventures, vancouver, bc, vancity, yvr, lifestyle, baking

Jorge used avocado oil to his BornAgain Brownies, added walnuts, and veganized the recipe by subbing in three teaspoons of ground flax! “Most people don’t realize that walnut oil is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which help improve your memory and concentration. So don’t be worried about the fats because they are the good kind – the omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. I like eating my way to a healthier heart and these brownies were moist, chewy, and oh so sweet!” Perfect after work-outs or tucking away in his satchel for next week-ends polo match, Jorge is always prepared.

Louis Li / @louisli_fitness

louis li, giovanna lazzarini, groundup baking challenge, groundup ecoventures, vancouver, bc, vancity, yvr, lifestyle, baking

Louis took to the kitchen and made classic brownies with his mix, using three teaspoons of ground flax in the recipe as a binder. “I have had a lot of healthy variations of treats, so I was skeptical of these at first, but they did not disappoint. The texture was soft and a bit chewy, and the taste was great for how much fibre and protein are in the mix. I feel good about eating this mid-week because they will not interfere with my training or diet.” Whether going to work, training at the gym, or adventuring on his next hiking trip, Louis looks to foods that are high in protein and fibre and easy to take with him.

Coming Full Circle

GroundUp EcoVentures is a family-operated and Canadian-owned company that aims to change people’s perspectives on food based on the concept of circular economies. Taking spent barley and coffee grounds, the company turns them into super-flours that make healthy baking easy. Their flours and baking mixes are full fibre and protein and are ideal for those who want to move away from gluten-based flours and embrace more sustainable ways to get your flour.

How GroundUp Does It

The company seeks to change people’s understanding of food waste based on the concept of circular economies. At GroundUp, coffee beans are for more than your morning brew, they make brownies better, and barley turns baked goods into nutritional food. In addition to producing a positive environmental impact, their selection of flours and essential oils comes with various health benefits for consumers.

Read more about GroundUp EcoVentures in our 3-part blog series:

GroundUp: Powerful Super-Flours for Baking Sustainably

GroundUp: Recycling Brewery & Barista Waste into Gluten-Free Super-Flours!

Look Who’s Taking the GroundUp Brownie Baking Challenge!

Author Profile

Giovanna Lazzarini
Giovanna Lazzarini
Gio showcases and shines spotlights on Canadian brands and women-led businesses that promote sustainable lifestyles through innovative products and offerings.
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