It is easy to turn our thoughts to heading down south for a warm-weather vacation when the temperatures start to drop and the rain clouds start to roll in. With…
Sunny summer weather is fast approaching, and our sunshine cravings are ready to be met. Though we love the sun, protecting and caring for our skin can be challenging. Using…
Did you grow up with Vitamin C being the cure-all for any kind of sniffle, cough, and cold? Parents knew about its immune-boosting properties and kids thought it was pretty…
Yearning for bare-arm days? You are not alone! In Vancouver, we patiently await the carefree days where we can get through a whole day without needing a sweater, a jacket,…
When visiting the beauty counter or ordering online, have you noticed the increased presence of self-care products that claim to be natural, organic, clean, vegan, cruelty-free, free-from, and plant-based? The…
Since its launch in 2013, the US-based Beautycounter has been in demand on our side of the border by women seeking products that were high-quality, effective, and free-from all the…